FizzBuzz Pro High Level Design

In this quick video, we’ll overview a high-level overview of FizzBuzz Pro APIs.

Since FizzBuzz Pro is a work in progress, anything can change anytime; however we have to start designing somewhere. So, without further ado, here comes the video that explains the initial design:

FizzBuzz.Pro High-Level System Architecture

As I said in the video, I’ll create additional content in the form of **articles **, source code, and more videos as I continue implementing FizzBuzz Pro.

It’ll be an awesome learning journey. Stay tuned 🎵.

Resources and Additional Reading

Here are some of the concepts that we covered in the video that you might want to drill down further.

Next Up

Next on my video production queue are:

  • How to harden our IAM account security.
  • A quickie about Ghost theme development.
  • And a mini-series about provisioning an AKS cluster and configuring TLS, Ingress, networking and other magic.

There will be a lot of cool content coming up. Wait for it.

Until the next video… May the source be with you 🦄.