🗄 Archived Project
As of October 2022, FizzBuzz Pro is not active anymore. While FizzBuzz Pro project will remain on the shelf for a while, the source code that I share here still demonstrates a valid use case and there is a lot to learn from it.
This series will show how you can deploy a full-blown production-ready web application in half an hour.
For some background info on design decisions behind the project you might want to look into these articles below before watching the playlist in the next section:
- It’s Time to Fizz that Buzz
- FizzBuzz Pro High Level Design
- The Repositories, Tools, and Services We’ll Use for FizzBuzz Pro
Read The Source
Follow the link below to download the source code that we’ve developed in these lectures.
Jump right in by exploring the contents below.
Have fun, and may the source be with you 🦄.