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Debugging URL Encoding Issues with External Secrets Operator's Webhook Provider

2024-12-12 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding SSL Certificates: From Public CAs to Custom Root Certificates in Kubernetes

2024-12-12 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Designing a Multi-Tenant Secret Store for Kubernetes

2024-12-12 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

How to Export Kubernetes Secrets as JSON: A Complete Guide

2024-12-12 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Building a Custom Webhook Provider for External Secrets Operator: A Step-by-Step Guide

2024-12-12 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding Docker's 6MB Memory Limit: A Deep Dive

2024-12-12 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Using External Secrets Operator with HTTP Endpoints: A Complete Guide

2024-12-12 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Building a Kubernetes Operator for VSecM Secret Management

2024-12-12 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Building a Secure Webhook Server with Go and Docker: A Step-by-Step Guide

2024-12-11 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Planning Your ESXi Host Installation: A Comprehensive Guide

2024-12-10 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Modernizing TLS Certificates in Kubernetes: From CN to SAN

2024-12-10 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Debugging TLS Certificate Issues in Go: A Base64 Decoding Story

2024-12-10 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding Kubernetes Services and Namespaces: A Practical Guide

2024-12-10 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Configuring ESXi Through the Web Interface: A Step-by-Step Guide

2024-12-10 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Parsing JWT Claims in Go: A Practical Guide

2024-12-10 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Building a Secure Secrets Management Server in Go

2024-12-10 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Implementing Flexible Authentication Strategies in Go: A Real-World Example with External Secrets Operator

2024-12-10 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding ESXi's Default Virtual Switch Configuration

2024-12-10 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Initial Configuration of Your ESXi Host: DCUI Setup Guide

2024-12-10 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

How to Decrypt Files Using age - A Quick Guide

2024-12-03 · 1 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding TLS Renegotiation in Go: When and Why to Use RenegotiateNever

2024-12-03 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

The Subtle Difference Between nil and Empty Slices in Go JSON Marshaling

2024-12-03 · 1 min · Volkan Özçelik

HUnderstanding ClusterSecretStore with JWT Authentication in Kubernetes

2024-12-03 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

JWT Verification in Go: A Comprehensive Guide

2024-12-03 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Securely Generating and Storing SPIRE Agent Tokens

2024-12-02 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Computing File Hashes in Unix Systems: A Complete Guide

2024-12-02 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Customizing SPIRE Agent SPIFFE IDs: A Deep Dive

2024-12-02 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Better Error Handling Patterns for Go SDKs

2024-12-01 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding Error Handling with Defer in Go: A Deep Dive

2024-12-01 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding SPIFFE Source Management in go-spiffe

2024-12-01 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding Go's slog Log Levels: A Practical Guidee

2024-11-28 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

log.Fatalf() vs panic in Go: Choosing the Right Way to Fail

2024-11-28 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Pragmatic Audit Logging in Go: Starting Small and Growing Smart

2024-11-28 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

SQLite Security: Understanding Authentication and Protectio

2024-11-27 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Implementing JWT Authentication with mTLS in Go

2024-11-27 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Secure Root Key Encryption in Go: A Practical Guide

2024-11-27 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Reading Process Memory: A Deep Dive into Runtime Variable Inspection

2024-11-27 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Debugging Git GPG Signing Issuese

2024-11-27 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Creating GitHub Releases with Binary Artifacts: A Complete Guide

2024-11-27 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Securing CI/CD Access to Your Secrets Management System: An Architectural Analysis

2024-11-27 · 4 min · Volkan Özçelik

SPIFFE IDs and Human Identity: Bridging the Gapl

2024-11-27 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Implementing Secure Password Input in Go CLI Applications

2024-11-27 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Cross-Compiling Go Applications on M3 Macs: A Practical Guide

2024-11-27 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Computing SHA256 Hashes for Binary Files: A Quick Guide

2024-11-27 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

How to Count Lines in Your Source Code Projects: A Comprehensive Guide

2024-11-27 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding Lock Upgrading Deadlocks in Go: A Common Concurrency Pitfall

2024-11-27 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik

Building an ACL System for SPIFFE-based Secrets Store

2024-11-24 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Properly Handling URL Query Parameters in Go

2024-11-24 · 1 min · Volkan Özçelik

Understanding Unix Directory Permissions: A Common Pitfall

2024-11-24 · 2 min · Volkan Özçelik

Type-Safe Configuration Keys in Go: Finding the Right Balance

2024-11-24 · 3 min · Volkan Özçelik


A special selection of articles aimed at helping you navigate the world of software engineering and being a better professional.


Business Climb Top Streamline Icon: Roadmap

Be the next version of yourself.


Be the leader of your own journey.




These series of articles usually focus on a particular technical theme, providing an incremental learning path. They are a good place to start if you want to learn something new in a structured way.


Cyclone Streamline Emoji: SPIFFE and SPIRE

Articles and tutorials on SPIFFE and SPIRE.

Rocket B Streamline Emoji: Zero to Prod in Half an Hour

Develop and deploy an end-to-end production-ready system in less than half an hour.

Idea Strategy Streamline Icon: Tips

Work it, make it. Do it, makes us. Harder, better. Faster, stronger.




Impromptu thoughts and reflections on life, technology, world, and everything in between.


School Book Apple Streamline Icon: Top of Mind

My random thoughts and musings on various topics.



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