
Secure secrets management is a critical aspect of any modern distributed system’s infrastructure. SPIKE (Secure Production Identity for Key Encryption) is a system that achieves secure secrets management through a distributed, zero-trust architecture.

To learn more about SPIKE, you can visitSPIKE’s website or check out SPIKE’s GitHub repository.

A Video is a Worth a Million Words

Here is a video that goes over what we discuss in this article:

Keeping the Root Key Secret

In SPIKE architecture, SPIKE Nexus is the central secret store. SPIKE Nexus requires a root key to save its secrets to its backing store in encrypted form. That’s why the root key is a critical secret that must always be kept secure.

This article discusses how SPIKE securely manages the root key using Shamir’s Secret Sharing scheme.

Introducing Shamir’s Secret Sharing

Our design relies upon several layers of security to ensure the root key remains secure:

  • We leverage SPIFFE-based mTLS encryption to secure communication between various SPIKE components.
  • We use Shamir’s Secret Sharing to split the root key into multiple shares. This ensures that no single entity can access the full key anytime.
  • The Shamir shares are never stored on disk.
  • SPIKE Keepers generate one share per Keeper; however, a single share is not enough to reconstruct the root key. So even in the unlikely event that a SPIKE Keeper is compromised, the root key remains secure.
  • Only SPIKE Nexus can compose the root key from the shares; once created, it remains in the memory. The root key is never stored on disk and never leaves the network perimeter.
  • In addition, there is no API or programmatic access that can reveal the root key. The attacker will need admin privileges and sophisticated memory forensics to extract the root key from the SPIKE Nexus, which is a significant security barrier.

This article further discusses the architecture and design choices that make SPIKE’s Nexus and Keeper interaction an excellent model for secure key management.

How about Disaster Recovery?

In the case of all SPIKE Keepers simultaneously crashing, the root key is lost.

We have secure and sophisticated ideas to help teams recover from an unlikely doomsday scenario by requiring multi-party approval to reconstruct the root key. Yet, this is a topic for another article.

However, even in this multiple-SPIKE-keepers scenario, a surefire way to prevent from losing the root key is to increase the number of SPIKE Keepers to a higher number, say 5 or 7. This way, even if a few SPIKE Keepers crash, the root key can still be reconstructed.

And when you geographically distribute the SPIKE Keepers, you can ensure that even a natural disaster won’t take down all the SPIKE Keepers at once.

SPIKE Architecture: A Brief Overview

The SPIKE system consists of three core components:

  • SPIKE Keeper: These are distributed instances responsible for generating shards (parts of a root key) using Shamir’s Secret Sharing. Each SPIKE Keeper maintains a piece of the secret, ensuring no single entity has the full key.

  • SPIKE Nexus: This is the secrets store that gathers shards from the SPIKE Keepers to reconstruct the rootKey during bootstrapping, enabling secure initialization of its backing store.

  • SPIKE Pilot: This is the CLI tool that communicates with SPIKE Nexus and manages policies and secrets through the SPIKE Nexus RESTful mTLS API. SPIKE Pilot is not a part of this article, but it’s an essential component of the SPIKE system.

Both components leverage SPIFFE for identity and secure communication through mTLS.

High-Level Design

Here is a high-level overview of the SPIKE root key management system. You can open the image in a separate tab for a better view:

SPIKE Root Key Partitioning: High-Level Conceptual Diagram

SPIKE Root Key Partitioning: High-Level Conceptual Diagram

This diagram illustrates the the distributed key management system workflow between SPIKE Keepers and the SPIKE Nexus. Let me break down the sequence:

For starters, all connections use SPIFFE mTLS for security.

Starting SPIKE Keepers and SPIKE Nexus

For SPIKE Keepers to know about each other and SPIKE Nexus, we pass some configuration information during startup using environment variables as follows:

# ./hack/

SPIKE_KEEPER_PEERS='{"1":"https://localhost:8443", \
"2":"https://localhost:8543","3":"https://localhost:8643"}' \

Here is how each of the keepers start:

# /hack/

SPIKE_KEEPER_PEERS='{"1":"https://localhost:8443", \
"2":"https://localhost:8543","3":"https://localhost:8643"}' \
# /hack/

"2":"https://localhost:8543","3":"https://localhost:8643"}' \
# /hack/

"2":"https://localhost:8543","3":"https://localhost:8643"}' \

Initial Share Generation (the top of the diagram)

Each SPIKE Keeper computes a secure random share.

There’s a parallel process where each SPIKE Keeper:

  • Broadcasts its {id, share} to other SPIKE Keepers
  • Receives shares from other peer SPIKE Keepers

Root Key Generation (middle-left)

  • SPIKE Keeper waits until all shards are collected.
  • SPIKE Keeper computes a rootKey by XORing all collected shards.
  • This ensures that no single SPIKE Keeper knows the complete key once it computes its Shamir Secret Share from the rootKey and discards the root key and any intermediate values.

Shamir Secret Sharing

  • Takes the rootKey as input
  • Creates three partitions
    • This will be configurable, but it’s hard-coded to 3 and 2 for now.
  • Uses threshold = 2 (meaning any two shares can reconstruct the rootKey)

Each SPIKE Keeper then:

  • Discards the original root key (security measure)
  • Keeps only its assigned partition (also a security measure)
  • Discards knowledge of other partitions

Here is a more detailed drill-down of the SPIKE Keeper workflow:

  • Compute Secure Random Share: Each SPIKE Keeper generates a cryptographically secure random share derived from an AES-256 seed.
  • Broadcast and Receive: SPIKE Keepers broadcast their shards (id, share) to peers and receive shards from them in parallel. Secure mTLS ensures the integrity and confidentiality of these communications.
  • Shard Aggregation and Root Key Derivation: SPIKE Keeper waits until all shards are gathered, combines them using XOR, and derives the rootKey.
  • Shamir Secret Sharing: The derived rootKey is split into three partitions, ensuring only a subset (e.g., 2 out of 3) is required for reconstruction. SPIKE Keepers discard the rootKey and retain only their assigned share after generating the shares.

SPIKE Nexus Bootstrapping (bottom)

During startup, SPIKE Nexus fetches exactly two shards (and no more) from its SPIKE Keeper peers. Again, we use SPIFFE mTLS for secure communication.

In the “reconstruct” phase (bottom-right):

  • SPIKE Nexus combines the two collected shards.
  • It uses Shamir Secret Recovery to reconstruct the rootKey.
  • It uses the reconstructed key to configure the backing store encryption.

Again, here is a more detailed drill-down of this workflow:

  • Acquire Shards: SPIKE Nexus gathers exactly two shards from SPIKE Keepers during the bootstrap phase. This is achieved through authenticated requests over SPIFFE mTLS connections.
  • Reconstruction: SPIKE Nexus uses Shamir’s Secret Sharing Algorithm to reconstruct the rootKey from the collected shards.
  • Configure Backing Store: The reconstructed rootKey initializes the backing store, securing it for further operations.

The following sections will dive deeper into the SPIKE Keeper and SPIKE Nexus workflows.

The SPIKE Keeper Workflow


Each SPIKE Keeper generates a random shard using a cryptographically secure seed. Shards are distributed to other SPIKE Keepers using SPIFFE mTLS connections.

The following code snippet illustrates the initialization logic:

func RandomContribution() []byte {
	defer myContributionLock.Unlock()

	if len(myContribution) == 0 {
		mySeed, _ := crypto.Aes256Seed()
		myContribution = []byte(mySeed)

		return myContribution

	return myContribution

Shard Contribution

SPIKE Keepers exchange shards with peers using authenticated requests. The contribution process involves generating a random shard and sending it to other SPIKE Keepers.

We use Cloudflare’s CIRCL library for secret sharing. CIRCL is a well-maintained, audited, and production-ready library that provides efficient and secure secret sharing capabilities.

Here is an example of shard contribution logic:

func Contribute(source *workloadapi.X509Source) {
	peers := env.Peers()
	myId := env.KeeperId()

	for id, peer := range peers {
		if id == myId {

		contributeUrl, err := url.JoinPath(
			peer, "v1/store/contribute",
		if err != nil {
			log.FatalLn("Failed to join path: " + 

		client, err := net.CreateMtlsClientWithPredicate(
			source, auth.IsKeeper,
		if err != nil {

		contribution := state.RandomContribution()
		state.Shards.Store(myId, contribution)

		md, err := json.Marshal(reqres.ShardContributionRequest{
			KeeperId: myId,
			Shard:    base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(

		_, err = net.Post(client, contributeUrl, md)
		for err != nil {
			time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
			_, err = net.Post(client, contributeUrl, md)

Shard Validation

Once enough shards are collected, SPIKE Keeper computes the final rootKey.

After this, it computes Shamir Shares and discards the rootKey.

After that, it also discards all but one of the Shamir Shares it computed and retains only the one assigned to it.

func WaitForShards() {
	for {
		shardCount := 0
		Shards.Range(func(key, value any) bool {
			return true

		if shardCount < 3 {
			time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

		if shardCount > 3 {
			log.FatalLn("too many shards")

		// Compute the final key.
		finalKey := computeFinalKey()
		// Compute the Shamir shares off of the final key.
		secret, shares := computeShares(finalKey)
		// Save only one shard from the shares and
		// discard everything else
		// Self-consistency check to ensure that
		// the reconstructed secret will match
		// the original secret.
		sanityCheck(secret, shares)


To create shares from the root key, we use Cloudflare’s CIRCL library.

Here are the computeFinalKey, computeShares, setInternalShard, and sanityCheck functions for the sake of completeness:


func computeFinalKey() []byte {
	finalKey := make([]byte, 32)

	counter := 0
	Shards.Range(func(key, value any) bool {
		shard := value.([]byte)
		for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
			finalKey[i] ^= shard[i]
		return true

	if counter != 3 {
		log.FatalLn("computeFinalKey: Not all shards received")

	if len(finalKey) != 32 {
		log.FatalLn("computeFinalKey: key size mismatch")

	return finalKey


func computeShares(finalKey []byte) (
    group.Scalar, []secretsharing.Share,
) {
	// Initialize parameters
	g := group.P256
	t := uint(1) // Need t+1 shares to reconstruct
	n := uint(3) // Total number of shares

	// Create secret from your 32 byte key
	secret := g.NewScalar()
	if err := secret.UnmarshalBinary(finalKey); err != nil {
			e"computeShares: Failed to unmarshal key: %v" + 

	// Create deterministic random source using 
	// the key itself as seed
	// You could use any other seed value for consistency
	deterministicRand := crypto.NewDeterministicReader(finalKey)

	// Create shares
	ss := secretsharing.New(deterministicRand, t, secret)
	return secret, ss.Share(n)


func setInternalShard(shares []secretsharing.Share) {
	// Sort the keys of env.Peers() alphabetically 
	// for deterministic shard indexing.
	peers := env.Peers()
	peerKeys := make([]string, 0, len(peers))
	for id := range peers {
		peerKeys = append(peerKeys, id)

	myId := env.KeeperId()

	// Find the index of the current SPIKE Keeper's ID
	var myShard []byte
	for index, id := range peerKeys {
		if id == myId {
			// Save the shard corresponding to this Keeper
			if val, ok := Shards.Load(myId); ok {
				myShard = val.([]byte)
				shareVal, _ := shares[



	// Ensure myShard is stored correctly in the state namespace
	if myShard == nil {
		log.FatalLn("setInternalShard: id not found")


func sanityCheck(secret group.Scalar, shares []secretsharing.Share) {
	t := uint(1) // Need t+1 shares to reconstruct

	reconstructed, err := secretsharing.Recover(t, shares[:2])
	if err != nil {
		log.FatalLn("computeShares: Failed to recover: " + 
	if !secret.IsEqual(reconstructed) {
		    "computeShares: recovery failure",

Deterministic Randomness

The astute reader might notice that while computing the shards, we use a deterministic random source, using the key itself as a seed. This is done to keep the shard calculation consistent across all SPIKE Keepers.

Here is the relevant code snippet:

	deterministicRand := crypto.NewDeterministicReader(finalKey)
	ss := secretsharing.New(deterministicRand, t, secret)

And here is how the NewDeterministicReader function looks:

type DeterministicReader struct {
	data []byte
	pos  int

func (r *DeterministicReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	if r.pos >= len( {
		// Generate more deterministic data if needed
		hash := sha256.Sum256( = hash[:]
		r.pos = 0
	n = copy(p,[r.pos:])
	r.pos += n
	return n, nil

func NewDeterministicReader(seed []byte) *DeterministicReader {
	hash := sha256.Sum256(seed)
	return &DeterministicReader{
		data: hash[:],
		pos:  0,

The Nexus Workflow

Polling Keepers

SPIKE Nexus queries Keepers for shards using mTLS:

func Tick(ctx context.Context, 
  source *workloadapi.X509Source, ticker *time.Ticker) {
	for {
		select {
		case <-ticker.C:
			keepers := env.Peers()
			shardsCollected := [][]byte{}

			for _, keeperApiRoot := range keepers {
				u, _ := url.JoinPath(keeperApiRoot, 

            client, err := \
              source, auth.IsKeeper)
            if err != nil {

            md, _ := json.Marshal(reqres.ShardRequest{})
            data, err := net.Post(client, u, md)

            var res reqres.ShardResponse
            if err = json.Unmarshal(data, &res); err == nil {
                shard, _ := base64. \
                shardsCollected = append(
                    shardsCollected, shard,

			if len(shardsCollected) >= 2 {
            reconstructed, _ := secretsharing.Recover(
              1, shardsCollected[:2])
            binaryRec, _ := reconstructed.MarshalBinary()
		case <-ctx.Done():

To reconstruct the secrets, we, again use Cloudflare’s CIRCL library.

Here is how the state.Initialize() and other related functions look, for completeness:

Here is the state.Initialize() function:

func Initialize(r string) {
	// No need for a lock; this method is called only 
	// once during initial bootstrapping.


And here is the persist.InitializeBackend() function:

func InitializeBackend(rootKey string) backend.Backend {
	defer backendMu.Unlock()

		"msg", "Initializing backend", "storeType", 

	storeType := env.BackendStoreType()

	switch storeType {
	case env.Memory:
		return &memory.NoopStore{}
	case env.Sqlite:
		return InitializeSqliteBackend(rootKey)
		return &memory.NoopStore{}

Threat Analysis

This system implements a sophisticated approach to root key management with several layers of security:

Key Distribution and Access

SPIKE Keepers

  • Generate and distribute shares of the root key.
  • Never have access to the complete key except transiently during initialization.
  • After setup, each SPIKE Keeper retains only its own Shamir share, which is not enough to reconstruct the root key.
  • All other key material is securely erased.


  • Reconstructs the root key from Shamir shares during initialization
  • Uses the key to configure SQLite (or other backing store) encryption
  • Has no programmatic interface to access the root key
  • The root key exists only in the SQLite driver’s memory space for encryption operations.
  • The root key material is not directly accessible, even through the application code.

Randomness in Shamir’s Secret Sharing

At first glance, this might look like a security weakness, but it’s not. Here’s why:

Entropy Source

  • finalKey is derived from XORing multiple 32-byte random contributions
  • If at least one SPIKE Keeper provides true randomness, finalKey will be random.
  • 32 bytes = 256 bits of entropy is cryptographically sufficient
  • Even in the unlikely event that some SPIKE Keepers are malicious, they can’t predict or control the finalKey value as long as one SPIKE Keeper is honest.


We’re using the same value (i.e., finalKey) for both:

  • The secret that gets shared (via scalar conversion)
  • The seed for deterministic randomness in share generation.

This coupling is okay because:

  • Shamir Secret Sharing algorithm’s security doesn’t depend on hiding the secret value. In contrast, what matters is the unpredictability of share generation
  • CIRCL’s implementation uses the deterministic random only for generating polynomial coefficients.The coefficients need to be consistent across keepers but don’t need to be independent from the secret.

In CIRCL’s implementation, the deterministic random is used to generate the polynomial coefficients. The security of Shamir’s Secret Sharing relies on the polynomial evaluation, not the “security by obscurity” of hiding these coefficients. Therefore, as long as we have sufficient entropy for unique evaluations, the scheme remains secure.

Security Properties

The system provides strong security through:

Access Control

  • Requires multiple SPIKE Keeper shares for key reconstruction
  • SPIFFE workload attestation ensures only legitimate instances participate mTLS secures all network communication

Key Protection

  • No component retains the complete key in accessible form
    • The original root key is immediately discarded after sharing
    • Each Keeper only maintains knowledge of its own partition and discards the rest
  • While the key exists in SPIKE Nexus’s process memory for backing store operations, accessing it would require:
    • Root privileges on the host system
    • Memory inspection capabilities
    • Ability to locate and extract key material from SQLite driver memory space
    • Sophisticated forensics tools
    • Knowledge of the SQLite encryption algorithm and key derivation process
    • Which makes it highly unlikely to compromise the root key

In addition, SPIKE Nexus run on a hardened, secure host with strict access controls, audit logging, and monitoring because SPIKE’s threat model assumes that once an attacker has access to the host system, the system’s security is already compromised.

In SPIKE’s security model, the primary trust boundary is at the machine level. Once the machine is compromised, hardening SPIKE components will provide diminishing returns. In that regard, physical and OS-level hardening is crucial.

In essence, the security model relies on:

  • SPIFFE workload attestation to ensure only legitimate SPIKE Nexus instances can gather shares, and only legitimate SPIKE Keeper instances can contribute shares.
  • Network isolation and mTLS to prevent unauthorized access
  • The requirement that an attacker would need to compromise multiple SPIKE Keepers to reconstruct the key independently.
  • SPIKE Keepers never maintaining the complete root key except transiently during initialization.
  • Each SPIKE Keeper only knowing its own Shamir share after initialization, which is not enough to reconstruct the root key.
  • Or compromise the SPIKE Nexus host and gain root access to try extracting the root key from memory using sophisticated forensics tools, searching for the key material in the SQLite driver memory space.

Compromise Resistance

  • Compromising a single SPIKE Keeper yields only one share, which is insufficient to reconstruct the root key.
  • Compromising SPIKE Nexus application code doesn’t expose the key.
  • It would require both multiple SPIKE Keeper compromises AND system-level access to extract key material, which is a very high bar for attackers and is highly unlikely to happen.

Secure Connectivity

SPIFFE mTLS secures all communication channels, ensuring identity verification and preventing eavesdropping or tampering.

Shamir’s Secret Sharing

Shamir’s Secret Sharing ensures the root key is divided into multiple shards, with reconstruction requiring a predefined threshold of shards. In SPIKE’s implementation:

  • The root key is split into three shards (configurable).
  • Reconstruction requires two out of three shards (configurable), balancing redundancy and security.

This model ensures that:

  • No single SPIKE Keeper can compromise the root key.
  • Even if one SPIKE Keeper is compromised, the root key remains secure.

Zero-Trust Principles

This architecture adheres to the following zero-trust principles:

  • Least Privilege: SPIKE Keepers only manage their shards; they cannot reconstruct the root key. During bootstrapping and disaster recovery, they may require additional shards from their peer SPIKE Keepers. However, that will be temporary, and the material will be securely erased once the operation is complete.
  • Boundary Enforcement: It’s important to highlight that the root key never leaves the network perimeter. Only shards cross the network boundary and only through secure mTLS connections. Even in the very unlikely case of a connection compromise, the shards are cryptographically secure and useless without the other shards.
  • Identity-Based Access: SPIFFE SVIDs are used to authenticate and authorize all communications.

SPIFFE and SPIRE Integration

SPIRE (SPIFFE Runtime Environment) provides workload attestation and identity issuance. Each SPIKE Keeper and SPIKE Nexus receive a unique SPIFFE Verifiable Identity Document (SVID), enabling:

  • Secure mTLS connections between components.
  • Workload identity attestation to ensure only authorized entities participate in shard management.

Additional Security Measures

  • Mutual Authentication: Every interaction between SPIKE Keepers and SPIKE Nexus is secured by mTLS.
  • Shard Validation: Shards are validated before use to prevent malicious tampering.
  • Sanity Checks: Reconstruction includes checks to ensure the recovered secret matches expectations.


The architecture’s zero-trust design ensures that no single SPIKE Keeper can compromise the rootKey while also providing threshold-based reconstruction that balances redundancy with strict security.

Since the number of keepers and the minimum number of shares required for reconstruction are configurable, this design can be adapted to the user’s risk tolerance and security requirements.

Additionally, SPIFFE-based workload attestation and secure mTLS communication work together to enhance the overall security posture.

SPIKE’s Nexus and Keeper architecture exemplifies how modern distributed systems can securely manage secrets without compromising availability or scalability.

By leveraging Shamir’s Secret Sharing, SPIFFE mTLS, and a zero-trust design, we ensure that the root key, and, therefore, the secrets, remain protected against a wide range of threats.

This approach is secure and pragmatic, offering a scalable solution for managing and sharing sensitive material in any distributed system. So, the content presented here can have applications beyond the use case covered in this article.

References and Further Reading



Security and Cryptography