Navigate the awkwardness of networking.

Navigate the awkwardness of networking.

Welcome to the 22nd issue of Zero to Hero Highlights.

For the last month, I have been vacationing with limited connectivity. Before that, I was deeply immersed in learning a new domain of expertise. So I hadn’t had the time to create new content here.

Well, I’m still learning many things and ramping up at work; yet I’m not that overwhelmed anymore. So I’ll gradually get back on track here.

The benefit of my ramping-up period is I’ve learned a lot of cool stuff, and I’d love to share them with y’all. So expect some content around network virtualization, disaggregation, and Open Radio Access Networks. Stay tuned.

It Was a Hell of a Vacation

For one month, I was mostly away from technology. Instead, I spent time with family and friends, visited places, and had a lot of fun. And honestly, I needed to recharge my batteries. And now I’m back on track.

Here’s the last scene I looked at before I headed back to the U.S.—Unfortunately, the picture does not give the viewer what it deserves: It was mesmerizing to be there to witness the sunset by the seashore with a crescent moon hanging above.

Sunset in Dikili.

Sunset in Dikili.

What’s Cooking in the Kitchen 👩‍🍳

I just recorded a video about “Ghost theme development.” I’m not sure if it will be premium content or if I will publish it accessible for all, yet it’ll be there soon.

Ghost theme development -- Audiio recording.

Ghost theme development -- Audiio recording.

In addition, I’ve started drafting a few things about Open Radio Access Network (or, O-RAN). O-RAN is a very technically involved topic with lots of subtopics. I’ll try my best to make it easy to understand, and I’m sure it’ll be so much fun to create the content. After all, I’m still learning it; I’m a big believer in learning by sharing.

Random Thought of the Week

You are not alone if networking feels transactional—even awkward—to you.

While networking, one of the things that you want to do is to make a good impression on people. And maybe your mind goes blank when you try to do that. Or perhaps you need to overcompensate your nervousness by talking a lot or showing unrealistic enthusiasm.

That puts you in a situation where you know and acknowledge that you should be networking. Yet, you have an equally strong desire to avoid the discomfort of it all.

How can you reconcile these two opposing feelings? Here are a few tips:

Firstly, start by reframing your thoughts. This is a genuine opportunity to make real, meaningful connections. It’s not a phony, opportunistic interaction.

Secondly, consider what you can offer in that situation. It’s not just what you want to take. Networking is mutual.

Also, before meeting someone new, read more about them. This way, you can find something interesting that you mutually share to break the ice. That will be * much* better than memorizing the “right” questions to ask to make a good impression.

Yes, all of these can be done; it’s a subtle mindset shift. Yet, it can make a world of difference.

One final piece of advice: Don’t try to hide who you are. Be honest—even if that means openly expressing what makes you uncomfortable with this whole networking thing.

Look What I’ve Found

Here are the things that grabbed my attention this week.

I typically don’t share these anywhere else.

Exclusively hand-picked for you 👌. Enjoy.

Thanks a Lot ❤️

That’s all for this week. Next week, I’ll gather more unique content and resources.

So, until next time… May the source be with you 🦄.
