Be kind.
Welcome to the fifth issue of Zero to Hero Highlights.
This week was full of new videos and articles. It was a productive week overall.
Let’s jump right in.
What’s New on Zero to Hero 👩🍳
Here is a list of articles that I’ve published this week:
- In The Repositories, Tools, and Services We’ll Use for FizzBuzz Pro use case, we looked into the repositories and services that we will use in FizzBuzz Pro.
- In A Technique to Ensure Environment Variables Are Set Before Starting a Microservice article, we saw a technique to ensure that our microservice does not start if any of the environment variables it depends on is missing.
- In Make Your Code Leaner By Extracting Methods article, we saw an example of the method extraction refactoring technique.
- In Let’s Create a Syslog Logger use case, we created a logging wrapper module that logs messages to Syslog: a standard network-based logging protocol that works on a wide variety of different types of devices and applications.
Volkan Uses ⌨️
Ah, I’ve created an extensive inventory of hardware, software, and tooling that I prefer using—I thought you might like it.
Random Thought of the Week
I’ll keep this week’s random thought short and sweet: be kind—it’s more important than you think it is.
Not only be kind but also model kindness on your team too.
But how do you do that? I mean, how do you promote generosity and kindness in your team? Let’s see.
First, start with yourself: Take the lead. Give compliments to your teammates.
Sometimes, people are blunt and up-front. Yet, that does not mean they have bad intentions or ulterior motives. They likely want the team’s success as much as anyone else. Be available, helpful, and present for them.
Teams are cauldrons of bubbling emotions, and decisions are made by carefully considering everyone’s feelings—along with other things.
Never assume malice. People can have different ways to communicate. People come from different cultural norms, and backgrounds. Reaching consensus is complicated with two people already; it gets more complex as the number increases. Don’t make it even harder.
Kindness is contagious: Small gestures can have a big impact.
Look What I’ve Found
Here are the things that grabbed my attention this week.
I typically don’t share these anywhere else.
Exclusively hand-picked for you 👌. Enjoy.
- AWS Budget Limiter is Terraform script for capping monthly AWS spend.
- GitUI provides the comfort of a Git UI right in your terminal.
- An oldie but goldie for your bedtime reading: What’s Worse Than Crashing?.
Thanks a Lot ❤️
That’s all for this week. Next week, I’ll gather more unique content and resources.
So, until next time… May the source be with you 🦄.